17 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

Türkiyede İş Bulma Uğraşı Mensur Boydaş-Vahdi Boydaş

Türkiyede İş Bulma Uğraşı     Mensur Boydaş-Vahdi Boydaş

The Race of Finding a Secured Job: The case of IIBF Graduates in Turkey
KPSS is the civil servant examination in Turkey that every year a million of students take the examination for a secured job in the public sector. In 2007, 1.5 million young people applied to the ‘Public Service Personnel Selection Exam’ (KPSS). This general exam is a prerequisite for jobs in public institutions. Each individual institution determines a specific minimum score for hiring its personnel. There are a number of private courses and classes to prepare the applicants for KPSS. Teaching posts are also filled according to the results of this exam. Although the establishment of the KPSS in 1999 has improved the situation, complaints about some aspects of the system relating to hiring public personnel have not disappeared since then, and the process continues with people voicing grievances, even if on a smaller scale. There is now for example an “Association for the Wronged Teachers and Education Workers”, formed by the graduates of teachers’ colleges whose members claim to have scored good points at KPSS, yet were either not appointed to any teaching post or only to temporary positions. In the 2012 examination 924,739 candidates sat for the examination and of that amount the biggest share belongs to the IIBF graduates. Including the new graduates every year, there are 350,000 unemployed graduates who struggle to get a secure job. However, at the central staff appointments opened for IIBF graduates that are based on the KPSS exam score does not show parallelism with the numbers of graduates. Candidates for two years waiting for a civil service appointment face with insufficient cadres that make it almost impossible. According to a news at Haberahval for instance assignment given in  November 2011, this number is a staff of around 400 candidates examinee of IIBF graduates that corresponds to only two per thousand. With the same way at the 2012 November assignment in spite of hundreds of thousands of IIBF candidates there were only 700 cadres were given. Despite the transmission of insufficient number of staff to the official authorities, the grievance is still unresolved. Requested to appoint a number of permanent positions in June 2012 was 15 000, and that is only 5% of our candidates, while waiting for the request to be a civil servant, was only 2900 squad. In real only close to one percent of IIBF candidates were able to find a secured job. Every year procurement officer is pronounced with great numbers, the rightful amount of cadres have not been given to the IIBF graduates. As citizens wait at the public institutions and organizations to make any process, the IIBF graduates are also awaiting assignment for 2 years after each test. From time to time given the vicious cadres of Education, Arts and Sciences and Engineering division of the different faculties, and in particular the staff of the General Administrative Services other candidates in the settlement, other elements that increase victimization. On the OSYM guidance to university preparation examination, the foundations; SGK, Tapu, Yurt-Kur, İş-Kur, Maliye and PTT were mentioned as general administrative services. However, these foundations either have not opened enough cadres or procured officers from different codes that resulted in the victimization of IIBF graduates. The positions that are committed to IIBF graduates procure officers under the code of 4001 that is (having an undergraduate degree in any field), for which the IIBF graduates not only race within themselves but also from other disciplinary graduates. This implementation is not appropriate for the sake of the justice and victimization of IIBF graduates.
Yurt-Kur procured officers under the code 4001 that allowed the graduates of the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science to get the job. The appointed candidates resigned by the first teacher procurement as a result the institution left in a difficult position. Similarly, although the name of business the State Airports Authority continues to make the procurement with the code of 4001. SGK, at the last two assignments of officer candidates began to also include the associate degree graduates. Instead of assigning the IIBF graduates who for four year sacrificed material and moral, pre-graduate degree owners are procured. Additionally, PTT, by adding the codes of Industrial Engineering, Statistics, and Mathematics graduate candidates to procurement gave them chance to be employed.
Other types of problems that result in the victimization of IIBF graduates:
Government has introduced job and career counseling as a solution to unemployment. The first procurement with this implementation carried out by the code 4001. The candidates were given a 3-4 months of training. When the training and the courses are analyzed, it will easily be understood that the 80% of the courses given are already taken by the graduates of IIBF and the teachers of this training programme are IIBF instructors. Therefore, this work has led to a waste of resources and time to the state given code 4001. As this reason it would be more appropriate to allocate the job and career counseling positions to IIBF graduates as the requirements correspond.
Ziraat Bank recently engaged in procurement of teller office positions accepted the associate degree graduates. This is another victimization of IIBF graduates that the positions are given to other discipline graduates. In addition the reason behind accepting the associate degree owners is that the charge of causing more work and less cost.
Generally schoolteachers’victimization is on media because they are more organized than the other diciplinary graduates. However it is clear that from the public procurements every year the biggest share is given to the schoolteachers.
IIBF graduates are constructed a group called 2012-2014 campaigne group. Speakers of the group Atalay and Öztürk said that the 2012-2014 campaigne group is constructed to get every IIBF graduates together. “We have many problems. First of all we are unemployed. We are struggling to become a sivil servant. However there is not enough cadres. IIBF graduates reached 350000 this year but only 722 cadres opened. We want our voice to be heard.”
Being a university graduate is not enough these days. Also being a qualified personnel is needed. As there is not enough cadres opened in the public sector, the university graduates are trying to find a job in different fields which ultimately results in the lack of qualified personnel that effects both public and private sector. Everyone should have the opportunity to do their job.

1.      IIBF Mezunları Çözüm Bekliyor, 2012, http://www.haberahval.com/iibf-mezunlari-cozum-bekliyor.html.

2.      IIBF Mezunlarının Kadro Mücadelesi, 2012, http://www.memurlar.biz/kpss/haber/iibf-mezunlarinin-kadro-mucadelesi-387764.html.

Türkiyede İş Bulma Uğraşı     Mensur Boydaş-Vahdi Boydaş

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